• 天津眾泰材料科技有限公司

    企業精神    Enterprise spirit 

    包容大氣,永不放棄    Be tolerant, forthright and never give up

    企業核心價值觀    The core values

    厚德精業 * 創造價值 * 堅忍不拔 * 不斷精進 * 持續卓越

    Social Commitment & Conscientiousness * Creation of Value * Perseverance * Continuously improve * Continuous Excellence

    企業使命    Enterprise Mission


    Focusing on the R & D and production of advanced functional polyimide monomers, 


    Committed to promote the development of global high-end polyimide material industry


    Committed to optimize the production process, improve production efficiency, to bring more benefits to customers.  

    致力于改善員工工作環境, 提高員工生活水平,提升員工幸福感。

    Committed to improving the working environment, improving the living standard and happiness of employees. 

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